BRAIN Documents
Deliverable 2.2 | BRAIN architecture specifications and models, BRAIN functionality and protocol specification. Core of the deliverable (Full version from BRAIN Web-site ) |
This document presents the final research output of the BRAIN project’s Work Package 2, which covers the BRAIN Access Network. The topic areas addressed are: Network Layer Architecture, IP Mobility Management, Quality of Service, Enhanced Socket Interface and IP2W Interface. Detailed analysis of various proposals is included, together with candidate protocols and extensions that we have developed. Results are given from simulations that support and validate some of the described aspects, and a ‘worked example’ is presented that illustrates how the architecture and protocol work could fit together to solve a user’s needs. Open issues are identified and their impact is discussed. The Deliverable also serves as input for the follow–on project, MIND, which will implement and test our proposed solutions to the key issues.
Keyword list: BRAIN, Beyond 3G, IP, Mobility Support, Quality of Service, QoS, User, Service, Application, Multimedia, Legacy, Wireless, QoS Adaptation, QoS Broker, QoS Framework, QoS Mechanism, QoS Control, QoS Management, QoS Provision, Resources, Controllers, ESI, End-to-End Negotiation, Adaptation Path, QoS Service Cubicle, Renegotiation, Synchronisation, QoS Correlation, Scenario, Use Case